問題作。「私の性器は権力者達に汚されました…。」 絶望の強●。汚棒に侵食されるアイドルの性器。顔面に精子をかけられ…強●的に肉棒を捻じ込まれ…美少女を喰いものにする権力者の中年オヤジ達。アイドルの世界じゃ枕営業なんて当たり前!?従順で服従堕ちしたアイドルの悲しき物語。「私は性の捌け口…。」これは問題作。
Problematic work. “My genitals were defiled by those in power…” A strong feeling of despair. An idol’s genitals being invaded by a dirty stick. Their faces are sprayed with semen… their cocks are forcefully screwed into them… middle-aged men in power who prey on beautiful girls. In the world of idols, pillow sales are commonplace! ? A sad story of an idol who fell into obedience. “I am a sexual outlet…” This is a controversial work.
– JavGG.net