SODでもっとも素人AVに特化した激熱の新設部署「第3制作」に所属しているアンコウと申します!今回のもぎたて素人は、3回目の再会!!ひなちゃん(23)!現役大学院生のひなちゃんと今回はお休みを合わせて一泊二日で温泉旅行です。桜咲く、初春に都内で合流して、地方温泉宿へ向かいます。人混みに紛れ、大きな荷物を持つひなちゃんを発見。話しかけるとお泊りということで張り切ってたくさんの荷物を用意してきてしまったようです。こういうところが健気で純粋なひなちゃんだなと思いました!第3制作の車両で二人きりで温泉へ向かっていると、渋滞にはまってしまいました。ですが、ひなちゃんといるとこの渋滞の時間でさえすべてが愛おしく永遠に続いて欲しいと心から思った僕でした。渋滞も抜け、一旦SAでお昼ご飯。フードコートにあるシラス丼を頼むひなちゃん。そんなこんなで宿へ向かう中、ふとこんな可愛くて好きな女の子と2人きりでドライブしているという夢のような、シチュエーションにムラムラしてきてしまいました。ひなちゃんにそのことを伝えると、実はひなちゃんもムラムラしているとのこと…イジワルな僕は、ひなちゃんにオナニー命令をしました。「冗談でしょ笑」とニコニコ笑う彼女に僕のスイッチが入りました!「指入れて、オナニーしろ」。さすがひなちゃんです。引くことなく、戸惑いながらも細くて白い綺麗な指で、ゆっくりパンツの上からオナニーをしてくれます。車内は、高速道路を走る車体の音とひなちゃんの漏れるように感じる吐息で響き渡ります。「きもちぃ、、」と恥じらいを持ちながら僕に「イキたい」と訴えかけるような視線で見つめてきます。「指をおま〇こに入れて気持ちよくかき回してごらん」 言葉を待っていたかのようにすぐに指をパンツの中へ入れ、興奮で熱くなったカラダとおま〇こを自ら愛撫します。「クチュクチュ」漏れる喘ぎ声と共に、ひなちゃんのいやらしい愛液も音を立てて溢れだします。「イクのはダメだよ、宿についてから」と伝えると、子犬のような潤んだ瞳でこっちを見ながら「どぉして、、いきたいよぉ、、」ここでイカセてあげたい気持ちをぐっとこらえて、オナニーを止めさせました!神奈川県の某所にある、宿に着き部屋へ入りひと段落着いたら撮影しようと思っていましたが、部屋へ入るやいなや、求めてくるひなちゃん!急で準備もあいまいな中、SEXが始まりました…この先は、本編で!ぜひ購入してたくさん抜いてください!皆様のお力添えの御かげで、僕たちもひなちゃんのような女の子と出会い提供することが出来ております。 ※全編ゴム無しSEX 収録【#1再会/車内オナニー】【#2温泉ナマ中出しSEX】【#3プチドッキリ3P中出しSEX】【#4寝起きすっぴんナマ中出しSEX】 我々、第3制作はZ世代のフレッシュな女の子を『すぐ会う、すぐ撮影する』をモットーに、演出なし、味付けなし、素材のうまみAVを、紳士の皆様にお届けすべく精進して参ります。今後とも、ぜひ宜しくお願い致します!
My name is Ankou and I belong to the hot new department “3rd Production” specializing in sod’s most amateur AV! This time, the freshly picked amateurs are reunited for the third time! ! Hina-chan (23)! Hina-chan, who is an active graduate student, and I will be on a two-day, one-night hot spring trip this time. We will meet in Tokyo in early spring when the cherry blossoms are in bloom and head to a local hot spring inn. I found Hina-chan with a big luggage in the crowd. When I talked to her, she seemed to have prepared a lot of luggage because she was staying overnight. I thought that this is what makes Hina-chan brave and pure! When I was heading to the hot spring alone in the vehicle of the third production, I got stuck in a traffic jam. However, when I was with Hina-chan, I sincerely wanted everything to continue forever, even during this traffic jam. After clearing the traffic, we had lunch at Sa. Hina-chan asks for Shirasu-don in the food court. While heading to the inn like this, I suddenly became horny in a dream-like situation where I was driving alone with such a cute and favorite girl. When I told her Hina-chan about it, she said that Hina-chan was actually horny too. “It’s a joke, lol,” she said with a smile, and my switch was turned on! “Put your finger in and masturbate.” She is indeed Hina-chan. She doesn’t pull, but she is puzzled, but with her thin, white, beautiful fingers, she slowly masturbates from the top of her pants. The inside of the car echoes with the sound of the car running on the highway and Hina-chan’s leaking breath. She looks at me with a gaze that seems to appeal to me, “I want to live” while feeling shy. “Put her finger in her pussy and stir it comfortably.” As if waiting for her words, immediately put her finger in her pants and caress her hot body and pussy herself. . Along with the pant voice that leaks “Kuchukuchu”, Hina’s nasty love juice also overflows with a sound. When I told him, “You can’t come here until you get to the inn. I held back and made her stop masturbating! I was thinking of taking a picture when I arrived at an inn in a certain place in Kanagawa Prefecture, entered the room, and took a picture, but as soon as I entered the room, Hina-chan asked for it! In the midst of the sudden and ambiguous preparations, sex began … from now on, in the main story! Please buy it and pull out a lot! Thanks to everyone’s help, we are able to meet and provide girls like Hina-chan. * Full-length rubberless sex recording [# 1 reunion / masturbation in the car] [# 2 hot spring raw creampie sex] [# 3 petit surprise 3p creampie sex] [# 4 wake up no makeup raw creampie sex] We, the 3rd production is the z generation fresh With the motto “I will meet you right away, I will shoot you right away”, I will devote myself to delivering the delicious AV of the material without directing, without seasoning, to gentlemen. Thank you for your continued support!