SENZ×SOD女子社員コラボ研修実施!《PUSSY AIRLINE》またがりオマ○コ航空よりCA友田さんをお招きしたビジネスマナー講習で、本多そらが定評のある肉感尻を駆使し更なるスキルアップを目指す。慣れない所作に戸惑いながらも厳しさと優しさを兼ね備えた友田さんの丁寧な指導に新たな一面が開花する。
Senz x SOD female employee collaboration training! 《Pussy Airlines》 We invited CA Tomoda from Straddle Pussy Airlines to teach business etiquette, and Honda Sora aims to further improve her skills by making full use of her well-known voluptuous ass. Although she is confused by the unfamiliar manners, a new side of her blooms under the careful guidance of Tomoda, who combines strictness and kindness.