SNSで人気のインフルエンサー【ちゃんひな】に地方の過疎村から村おこし企画をして欲しいとDMが来た… 最初は歓迎ムードで撮影にも協力的な村人だったが…徐々に不気味な行動をとるようになり…怪しい空気に 気がつくと【ちゃんひな】とカメラマンは拘束され…集団ご奉仕をさせられ輪●されまくり…飼育されていった。
I received a DM from a popular SNS influencer [Chanhina] asking her to do a village revitalization project from a depopulated village in a rural area…At first, the villagers were in a welcoming mood and cooperated with the photoshoot…but gradually they started to act creepy. When she noticed a suspicious atmosphere, [Chan Hina] and the cameraman were restrained and forced to perform group servitude, and were kept in captivity.